Oh what beautiful weather we have been having, perfect for evening, golden hour shoots, these are right up there with newborn shoots as my favourite type of shoot to do, this type of shoot absolutely suits all ages but highly recommended for toddlers and up as they rarely feel like they are in a shoot, it feels like play to them, and you have someone documenting you playing outside with your little ones, this is often missed out as Mum or Dad is usually behind the camera not in front of it!
I am currently trying to learn Instagram reels, I Feel like they're a minefield but here's a few below! I will get better and I will crack them!
Any tips would be gratefully received! Nicky xoxo Wow, haven't updated my blog in a long time....heres the reason why....its all about Facebook!! I have been concentrating on keeping that page nice and busy that I have simply forgotten about my blog (naughty me)
So a little update - most of my customers know that I have become mobile again since last June - I really feel its best for new mums (and dads!) the shoot is so relaxing and convenient at home :) I can make the space work, I am very experienced in working with newborns at peoples houses...and finding it is working really well for both of us :) Here is some of my work from recent months! Click here to book Nicky xoxo So a few months ago I met Kim and Dan, they wanted some maternity images done and it was in good time as Kim went into Labour about 2 weeks after the shoot! A lot of mums don't feel very photogenic whilst pregnant, but I really think it's a lovely thing to have as a keepsake of your pregnancy - I offer a huge discount on the maternity shoot if booked with the newborn shoot….here are some of their images, Kim looked stunning xx And here is baby Connor x
I met this beautiful baby last month, she was born very early so her mummy was very pleased to be able to get Newborn Photos at 10 weeks old…Bethany spent a long time in SCBU, the staff there are amazing - I was very privileged to meet her, check out this little beauty xx
Newborns is my favourite age but hands down the second shoot in the Baby's First Year series has to be this age - between 5-8 mths - I just LOVE their characters, they love life and are just a true joy to photograph! So I had my niece come back in to my Weymouth Studio for her next set of shots….they change so quickly, this package is really a beautiful way to capture their first year.. Here are Esme's newborn photos just to remind you! And here she is now….xx Anyone who books the baby first year package will now receive one of these three photo folios to present 3 images (one from each shoot)
A few weeks ago a lovely family came into my weymouth studio who I know well! It was my sisters brother in law! They have had a beautiful baby boy and it was such a pleasure to photograph them as a family of 4 now..
The shoot was in my studio in Lynch Lane Offices, pop me an email if you would like a session Congratulations Lauren and Ricky xx What a busy half term! One thing I would like to do is thank my customers for their patience over the school holidays, I have 2 girls that need entertaining and times it can be tricky to balance my work and children! But i have such amazing customers that its not too much of an issue….but please note, over bank holidays, I take that time with my family, like the rest of you do :)
On to something exciting! New products!!! I like to offer something different to the competitors, I feel like I do….here are a selection of my new products, all can be seen in my studio! Just to prove I do photograph older children! here are the competition winners!! and they were so good! really made my job easy :) Despite them being from dorset originally, they now live in London, in the same area that I also work in, but they came down to my studio in Weymouth for their prize :)
Just meWeymouth & Bournemouth professional, family photographer that specialises in newborns x Archives
June 2023